Avenue Hamoir 41
1180 Brussels
T +3225143477
M +32475465441
F +3225119669

E-mail address : bernard.de.leye@skynet.be
Website : www.orfevrerie.be
16th-18th century European silver

Founded : 1988
Director : Bernard De Leye
Bernard De Leye is specialized and passionateabout antique silver and is actually one of the finest connoisseurs. He is in the profession since 1977 and presents in all his exhibitions unique pieces of European, mostly Belgian or French, silver from the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th century. His gallery is an absolute must in this field and presents selected items with a great interest as well decoratively as for the hallmarks which sometimes date back to the 14th and 15th century. Active in several associations, he becamed the president of the Belgian chamber of Experts in Works of Art in 2002 and is honorary since 2006. Bernard De Leye received the title of “Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres” in France in 2006.